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Spotted Towhee and

We like to share this video clip of the Spotted Towhee as a quiet reflection in this holiday season.

In the midst of the turmoil and stresses of this world, there are many beautiful things in nature that we could
enjoy and reflect ~ right in our own backyard.

Spotted Towhees are smaller than the American Robins but larger than the sparrows. They have gleaming black top while the females are grayish, both with spotted and striped brilliant white. On their flanks are warm rufous which serve as camouflage where they hang out amongst the dry leaves. 

Spotted Towhees have a fairly simple song starting with one or two (up to eight) short introductory notes and then a fast trill which sound like a taut rubber band being plucked, or like a piece of paper stuck into a moving fan. They also make a catlike "meow" call. Female and male Spotted Towhees sometimes exchange a soft, lisping call to each other.

Backyard Tips on attracting Spotted Towhees and other wild birds:

1.  Provide a shrubby or overgrown borders. Towhees may venture out
      to eat fallen seed near a vegetated edge, 

2.  Sprinkling some seed on the ground, as this is where towhees
     prefer to feed. I
t will eventually fly to the feeder. 

3.  Choose feeders and foods that appeal to the birds you want to attract.

4.  Provide food, nest boxes, nesting materials, water, and natural habitat that

     will attract wild birds to your backyards.

This is a great way to introduce to them this beautiful creatures and nature surround us.
It is definitely an enjoyable experience for the whole family. Having a bird-friendly yard has
never been more important – according to Cornell Lab of Ornithology,  ". . . nearly 80% of
wildlife habitat in the United States in private hands, and an average of
2.1 million acres each year are converted to residential use."

We have provided a few resources for you to start this new venture.


the Purple Twitter Feed

Adelynn Kindenski 

Ma Belle Vie bloggirl

To listen to 

Spotted Towhee



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